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Accessibility Roadmap

During 2020, we worked hard to bring the myday platform into maximum conformance with WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines in readiness for legal requirements that applied to the public sector and commenced on September 23rd 2020.

The below information details the approach we have taken to date and how we will proceed during 2021.

2021 Approach & Accessibility Statement

We planned four accessibility releases up to September 2020. These releases aimed to ensure compliant accessibility across the core platform and within myday apps provided by us.

Moving forwards, we have commenced a new approach of breaking the platform into sections and sweeping for a number of the issues identified in the audit at the same time. We will be focussing on the areas of the platform that are used most heavily by end users first and then on to the administrative functionality.

By changing the approach, we can focus on one area at a time and make that compliant – this way a release will be easier to describe, easier for you, our customers, to understand – and means that we can focus on the most used areas of the platform first.

Each month we will release any improvements that have been made and update the accessibility statement accordingly with the areas that have been swept. We expect that the majority of our platform aside from those areas mentioned in our exclusions are already partially compliant due to the work that commenced last year.

The checklist that we will be using as we works through the areas of the platform is described below.



Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.

[1] – Non-text content must have alternatives ( (For our purposes, crossover with colour must have alternatives [1.4.1]). Having alternatives for text ensures that all users can access content. Historically areas in myday, have used different colours to represent a state such as success, warning and erroneous. This could be seen in areas such as admin feedback and newsroom manage subscriptions. Here we must provide alternatives. Approaches include:

  • Using aria-labels to provide more context
  • Using aria-labelledby and aria-describedby
  • Providing alt tags for images were needed (icons within myday are hidden to screen-readers by default as they do not provide any useful information and are used for decorative purposes).
  • Using badges for items which would only be displayed using colour

myday exampleNewsroom subscriptions page using a yellow corner to indicate mandatory feeds. Button with recycle bin in mail app, has no aria-label to indicate it means delete as icons aren’t seen by a screen reader

[2] Colour contrast of text (4.5 : 1) and components / ui elements (3:1) must be WCAG compliant.

myday example: Colour contrast of progress and graph element with the attendance tile must have correct colour compliance.

myday example: Administration > Dashboard > Dashboard settings. UI elements (buttons) must have a colour contrast of 3:1.



User interface components and navigation must be operable.

[3] – Content that should be keyboard accessible… must be keyboard accessible and focus should be visible. Within areas of myday, we use components such as uib-dropdowns which have the built in ability for this to be added. Other areas may be out of scope such as allowing users to move tiles with arrows keys.

myday exampleCourse dropdown in the attendance2 app. A user should be able to use arrow keys

[4] – No keyboard traps. Ensure users cannot be trapped within content.

myday exampleWhen using modals (example create a content page), a user could become trapped trying to exit an input field as pressing esc also closes the modal

[5] – Bypass blocks

A mechanism is available to bypass blocks of content that are repeated on multiple Web pages.

Approaches include:

  • Having links to ‘Skip to Main content’.
  • Use aria landmarks with the code to group elements
  • Providing meaningful headers on different sections of different pages.

Items such as bypass blocks will be much easier to achieve if code is semantically correct and follows best practices of code implementation. This point is further aided by pages having a familiar layout which has a logical focus order.

myday exampleSkip to main content and skip sidebar have been implemented.



Information and the operation of the user interface must be understandable

[6] – Input assistance. Under this point there a few things to be aware of:

  • Error identification (error messages must be clear and be easily relatable to input fields which have an error)
  • Labels or instructions (Input fields must have relatable labels and instructions)
  • Error suggestion

Input assistance will be also be easier to achieve with semantically correct code and correct decisions being made in terms of what input is being used. Inputs used should always be appropriate for the input type. i.e. type=”number” for a number.

myday exampleInput validation messages in mail app not being relatable to fields easily



We have revised our accessibility statement. Our current accessibility statement highlights our levels of compliance achieved in the core platform and apps, limitations and exclusions, and our roadmap for reviewing and resolving any outstanding identified issues following Release 4. Going forward the accessibility statement will continue to be updated as progress is made and will be the primary source for this information.

Please note if you are still on the myday Legacy Platform “(V2)” you will need to commence your upgrade to the myday Platform “(V3)”. To do this please contact Customer Success.


Supporting Information

Major Areas of Change

Most apps only need minor UI changes such as the addition of guidance text and new buttons for keyboard navigation. These changes update automatically when released. Should action be required this will be made clear on the release notes.

Due to the nature of the changes we are making, your customisations to the platform made with Custom CSS and/or Custom Code might be affected. While we do not normally provide direct support for such changes in these circumstances, should you have any enquiries regarding resulting issues, please contact support for guidance.


Accessibility Statement

We have revised out accessibility statement. Our current accessibility statement highlights our levels of compliance achieved in the core platform and apps, limitations and exclusions, and our roadmap for reviewing and resolving any outstanding identified issues.


Guidence For Customers

We have created guidance on how to make your myday tenant compliant in the following guides:



Some aspects of the platform have been identified as being outside of the scope of the project. This is due to there being a disproportionate cost of rectification which will be stated in the accessibility statement as justifiable exclusions. These include:

  • myday Legacy Control Panel – Our strategy is to replace functionality in the control panel with new admin apps provided through the dashboard platform
  • myday Legacy Platform “(V2)” – Our strategy is to move customers to the new myday platform

Due to the nature of the changes we are making, your customisations to the platform made with Custom CSS and/or Custom Code might be affected. While we do not normally provide direct support for such changes in these circumstances should you have any enquiries regarding potential or resulting issues, please contact support for guidance.


Custom CSS & Custom Code may be affected

Due to the nature of the changes we are making, your customisations to the platform made with Custom CSS and/or Custom Code might be affected. While we do not normally provide direct support for such changes in these circumstances should you have any enquiries regarding potential or resulting issues, please contact support for guidance.

Our Partners

We are proud to work with and support many leading establishments within the education sector.